I am a Lecturer in Economics at the Department of Economic Analysis at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). In June 2022, I received the accreditation to Senior Lecturer (Profesor Titular) from the Spanish National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA). I am also member of the Oviedo Efficiency Group. Since May 2023, I am Associate Editor of Investigaciones Regionales-Journal of Regional Research.
Previously, I was an Economic Analyst at the Directorate for Growth & Innovation in the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC), located in Seville (Spain), as a member of the Territorial Data Analysis and Modeling (TEDAM) team.
My fields of interest are: Spatial Economics, Regional Economics, Growth, Innovation, International Economics, and Efficiency and Productivity analysis.
In this website you can find information about me, my research and publications, and my teaching activities.
Latest publications
- Climate clubs and firm environmental performance: A regional institutional perspective.
- Benchmarking performance through efficiency analysis trees: Improvement strategies for colombian higher education institutions.
- Technologically related diversification: One size does not fit all European regions.
- A spatial macroeconomic analysis of the equity-efficiency trade-off of the European cohesion policy.